11 Feb 1925

MCS opens with 12 students in the convent parlour at 103 Austin Road with Sr Mary Paul in charge.
MCS opens with 12 students in the convent parlour at 103 Austin Road with Sr Mary Paul in charge.
The school moves to Prince Edward Road.
Sr Ann Mary Farrell replaces Sr Mary Paul as Principal of the Secondary Section.
The new building at Waterloo Road and Boundary Street becomes the new MCS.
The Sisters have to leave H.K. because of the Japanese Occupation.
The Sisters return to H.K. and reopen the school.
Silver Anniversary of Maryknoll Convent School
Sr Mary de Ricci replaces Sr Ann Mary as Principal.
The Secondary School moves into a new building at 5 Ho Tung Road because of a significant increase in the number of students.
Sr Rose Duchesne replaces Sr Mary de Ricci as Principal of the Secondary Section.
Sr Jeanne Houlihan becomes Principal of the Secondary Section.
Golden Anniversary of Maryknoll Convent School
Diamond Jubilee of Maryknoll Convent School
Mrs Lydia Huang replaces Sr Jeanne Houlihan as the first lay Principal of the Secondary Section. Sr Jeanne remains Supervisor.
Sr Agnes Cazale replaces Sr Jeanne Houlihan as Supervisor of the Secondary Section.
The MCS Educational Trust is founded to advance education at Maryknoll.
The Jockey Club Wing of the Secondary Section is opened.
Mrs Gloria Ko replaces Mrs Lydia Huang as Principal of the Secondary Section.
75th Anniversary of Maryknoll Convent School
Mrs Winifred Lin replaces Mrs Gloria Ko as Principal of the Secondary Section.
MCS Foundation is established for the purpose of taking over the school sponsorship from the Maryknoll Sisters.
80th Anniversary of Maryknoll Convent School
The Rogers Annex of the Secondary Section is opened.
MCS Foundation officially takes over as the School Sponsoring Body.
Sr Jeanne Houlihan replaces Sr Agnes Cazale as Supervisor of the Secondary Section.
Ms Melaine Lee replaces Mrs Winifred Lin as Principal of the Secondary Section.
MCS celebrates the 70th Anniversary of having moved into the school building at Waterloo Road and Boundary Street.
MCS school building at Waterloo Road and Boundary Street (including the convent building) is declared a monument under the Antiquities and Monuments Ordinance.
85th Anniversary of Maryknoll Convent School
Dr Maria Lee Lai Wan replaces Sr Jeanne Houlihan as Supervisor of the Secondary Section.
Centennial year of the Maryknoll Sisters
The Incorporated Management Committee (IMC) replaces the School Management Committee to manage the school.
90th Anniversary of Maryknoll Convent School; Laying and blessing of the Time Capsule in the Centennial Garden of Peace
Ms Ophelia Ngan replaces Dr Maria Lee as Supervisor of the Secondary Section.
Ms Meimei Chan replaces Ms Melaine Lee as Principal of the Secondary Section.