Mentorship Programme Launching Ceremony

Mentorship Programme Launching Ceremony


The Launching Ceremony of the MCS Mentorship Programme 2023-2024 was successfully held on 6 January. Mentors and mentees gathered at the Glass Partitioned Area to get to know one another, establishing a deeper bonding among generations of Maryknollers.

The lighting of candles during the Launching Ceremony has been a tradition which symbolises the passing on of the Maryknoll spirit. On this joyous occasion, both mentors and mentees had the opportunity to share experiences and gain valuable insights. The programme has provided a platform for mentees to receive guidance and support from experienced mentors from all walks of life.

Looking ahead, we aim to further expand and strengthen the Mentorship Programme. We will continue to create meet-up events and look forward to the continued success of the programme in the years to come.