Mainland Study Tour to Kaiping (20-22 Jun)

Mainland Study Tour to Kaiping (20-22 Jun)


All Form 5 students joined a three-day Mainland Study Tour to Kaiping from 20 to 22 June.

During the study tour, students had the opportunity to explore various historical and cultural sites and witness our country’s modern-day development. The visits to Chikan Ancient Town and the diaolous in Kaiping allowed our students to have a glimpse of the traditional architectural styles and cultural traditions of ancient China. The exploration of the Maritime Silk Road Museum of Guangdong helped them understand China’s maritime trade routes and the impact on the cultural exchange between China and other parts of the world. Discovering the China Qiaodu Museum of Overseas Chinese gave our students a chance to learn about the global influence of the Chinese diaspora on diplomacy, business, population, language and more.

The Mainland Study Tour was an enriching experience for our students, allowing them to broaden their horizons and develop a deeper appreciation of China.