Inauguration Ceremony & School Opening Mass

Inauguration Ceremony & School Opening Mass


In the Inauguration Ceremony on 22 September 2023, we welcomed our new student officials. As our peer leaders took their vows, they solemnly promised to serve the school to the best of their ability. Our principal, Ms Chan, then delivered an uplifting speech, encouraging all students to be compassionate and resilient when striving for excellence and reaching new heights.

It was then followed by the celebration of the School Opening Mass at St Teresa’s Church. We were honoured to have invited Fr Daniel Kim, M.M., to conduct the Mass. We were reminded about the school year theme – ‘Pilgrims of Hope’, and that we should always place trust in God our Father who is the source of all hope. Together, we said heartfelt prayers for our school, our city and the world. In his homily, Fr Kim urged us to step outside of our comfort zones, and realise our potential to the full, so as to spread faith, hope, and love around.