Religious and Moral Education

Religious and Moral Education

Founded by the Maryknoll Sisters, Maryknoll Convent School aims at making God's love visible. With the introduction of religious and moral education in the formal and informal curricula, ample chances are offered to students so that they can experience and understand the Catholic faith. Students are guided to spread faith, hope, and love to those around them, to home, to country, and to the world, for the greater glory of God.

Catholic Society

Student leaders help organise different religious events on campus so as to create a more Catholic atmosphere. School Masses are celebrated regularly, and seasonal prayer services are conducted to mark the different liturgical occasions. Pilgrimages, Catholic Week, donation drives, and volunteer work are promoted by the Catholic Society in the hope of preparing students to be women for and with others.

Legion of Mary

The Legionaries are members of an international lay Catholic apostolic association which intends to sanctify selves and the others. Through imitating our Lady, the Legionaries attend to the needy with the love that Mother Mary once showed to Jesus, her son. In addition to having weekly meetings, members pray the Rosary, and complete weekly assignments to care for those who are most in need.

Formation for All

Maryknoll Convent School continues to help Catholic students develop their spirituality. First Communion and Confirmation classes are available to baptised Catholics, and retreats for Catholic students and confirmands are periodically held. To introduce the Catholic faith, catechumen classes are also given to students who are interested and discerning.

